During my time at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN I dealt with many different aspects of agrometeorology and agroclimatology. Among several minor points I would categorize my work in the following major subjects:


Ø      One major task was the creation of a tool allowing the estimation of local climate conditions as well as grids on the basis of longterm-mean observations: LocClim and New LocClim.


Ø      Another task was the estimation of reference evapotranspiration (PET, ETo) from global longterm-mean station observations. The result is ClimWat 2.0 (Documentation and Software).


Ø      Furthermore I trained meteorologists and agronomists from Laos and Cambodia in agrometeorological crop yield forecasting with the help of several FAO software tools like Agromet Shell, New LocClim and others.


Ø      Finally I worked on the evaluation of climate-change impact on agriculture. As an example I studied the climate impact on crop yields in Morocco with the help of weather generators.



Here is just some of the publications about agrometeorology:


Grieser, J.: Investigation of Climate-Change Impact on Agriculture in Morocco. Applications of the FAO Strategy to Cereals in Morocco. Report of FAO, 35pp. [ppt]


Grieser, J.: Introduction to geostatistics and the spatial interpolation of agroclimatic and other variables. In: Hoefsloot, P., E. Mukhala and R. Gommes: CM Box User Guide,


Grieser, J., R. Gommes, S. Cofield, M. Bernardi: World maps of climatological net primary production of biomass, NPP. Internet publication in FAO administrative Approval.



Grieser, J., R. Gommes, S. Cofield, M. Bernardi: New gridded maps of Koeppen’s climate classification. Internet publication in FAO administrative Approval.



Bernardi, M., R. Gommes and J. Grieser: Downscaling climate information for local disease mapping. XXIV Congresso Nazionale SoIPA. Società Italiana di Parassitologia. [pdf]


Gommes, R., M. Bernardi and J. Grieser: Data issues in climate-related risk and impact assessments for food security. WMO Climate Risk Conference, 17-21 July, Espoo, Finland. [pdf]


Grieser, J., R. Gommes and M. Bernardi: New LocClim – the local climate estimator of FAO. Geophysical Research Abstract, 8, 2006. [pdf]


Grieser, J., M. Bernardi and R. Gommes: FAO AgroMetShell – Context and Perspectives. Proceedings of III CGMS Experts Meeting and GEOLAND Training Workshop, University of Liege, Arlon, Belgia. [pdf]


Bernardi, M., R. Gommes, and J. Grieser, 2006: Downscaling climate information for local disease mapping. Parassitologia 48: 69-72.


Kottek, M., J. Grieser, C. Beck, B. Rudolf, and F. Rubel, 2006: World Map of Köppen-Geiger Classification Updated. Met.Z., 15, 3, 1-5.


Beck, C., J. Grieser, M. Kottek, F. Rubel and B. Rudolf, 2006: Characterizing Global Climate Change by means of Köppen Climate Classification. DWD, Klimastatusbericht KSB 2005, 139 - 149.[pdf]


Gommes, R. , M. Bernardi, J. Grieser, F. Nachtergaele, 2005: Why we need a new climate classification for agriculture. Proceedings of Workshop on Climatic Analysis and Mapping for Agriculture, Bologna, June 14-16, 2005.


Gommes, R., J. Grieser and M. Bernardi, 2004: FAO agroclimatic databases and mapping tools. ESA newsletter, 26, 36-39.[pdf]


Grieser, J. and R. Gommes, 2004: The Web LocClim.Local Monthly Climate Estimator. http://www.fao.org/sd/locclim/srv/en/locclim.home


Grieser, J., 2001: LocClim, A local climate estimator. A software by the Environment and Natural Resources Service. Working Paper No. 9, 2002, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome – Italy.