Grieser, J., 2016:
Interpolation globaler Niederschlagsbeobachtungen
zur Analyse der Niederschlagsvariabilität und zeitlicher
Änderungen. Contribution to
John Maskell, Juergen
Grieser, Nicola Howe, Jamie Rodney, 2016:
Investigating Typhoon-Induced River-Surge Interactions in the Tamsui Estuary, Taiwan. Ocean Sciences
Meeting 2016, New Orleans, Louisiana, US.
J., 2015: Interpolation of Global monthly Rain Gauge Observations for Climate
Change Analysis. JAMC, 54, 1449-1464.
J. and F. Terenzi, 2015: Financial losses of tornadoes in European countries. Contribution to the ECSS 2015.
J, 2015: The RMS TC-Rain Model. UrbanRain15. Pontresina, Dec. 2015.
J., 2014: Interpolating observed global precipitation series. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16.
J., J. Maskell, J. Rodney, N. Bruneau, Q. Zhao, 2014: A typhoon storm surge
model for Japan. Contribution to the Ocean Sciences Meeting.
Honolulu, February 2014.
Grieser, J., L.
Marescot, M. Smith, M. Lai, 2014: Estimating Hail
Insured Loss from Radar Images – Application to the 2013 Events in Germany. 1st
European Hail Workshop, 25 - 27 June 2014.
Grieser, J., K.
Roberts, Q. Zhao, A Astorquia, J. Rodney, J. Maskell and N. Bruneau, 2014:
Using MIKE 21 for the estimation of Japan Typhoon Risk. Invited
Presentation at the DHI User Group Meeting, 13th to 14th May 2014.
E. and J. Grieser, 2014: ESTIMATION DE PERTES ASSURÉES: GRÊLE ET OURAGANS : épisodes de grêle en Allemagne
en 2013,
et ouragan Sandy aux USA en 2012. Contribution to the Keraunos Workshop 15th-16th Nov. 2014 in Bordeaux, France.
J. and F. Terenzi, 2014: Why Do Europeans underestimate tornado risk? First
Summit on Tornadoes and Climate Change. Crete.
J., 2013: Solvency II: How Geosciences become crucial for the Insurance
Business. Geophysical Research
Abstracts, 15.
J. and S. Jewson, 2012: The RMS TC-Rain Model. Meteorologische
Zeitschrift, Vol. 21, No. 1, 79-88. DOI 10.1127/0941-2948/2012/0265
R. McVicar, Michael L. Roderick, Randall J. Donohue, Ling
Tao Li, Thomas G. Van Niel, Axel Thomas, Jürgen
Grieser, Deepak Jhajharia, Youcef
Himri, Natalie M. Mahowald,
Anna V. Mescherskaya, Andries
C. Kruger, Shafiqur Rehman,
Yagob Dinpashoh,
2012: Global review and synthesis of trends in observed terrestrial
near-surface wind speeds: Implications for evaporation. J. o.
Hydrology, 416–417, 182–205.
J., S. Jewson, C. Mitas, B. Page, T. Thomson, N. Peiris, M. Hill, 2011:
Modelling Wind Loss from Convective Events in Europe – Hazard, Vulnerability,
Exposure. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13.
Grieser, J., 2011: Modellierung
von Windschäden durch Unwetter. Extreme Weather Congress. Hamburg.
Grieser, J., 2010:
The RMS TC Rain Model. Weather and Climate Extremes During the Past 100 years,
International Workshop, Diessenhofen, Switzerland,
7-9 June 2010.
J. and S. Jewson, 2010: Modelling Loss Ratios from Wind Damage of Convective
Events in Europe. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12.
J. 2010: Risiko Hurrikan-Regen
- Neue Modelle zeigen eine unterschätzte
Gefahr. Contibution to the
Extreme Weather Congress, 4th-6th March, Bremerhaven.
Grieser, J., 2009: The RMS TC-Rain Model. Proceedings of the FREE workshop on precipitation downscaling and modelling, April 28-30 2009 Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.
Grieser, J. and S. Jewson, 2009: How to model rare extreme events? Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11.
Wild, M., J. Grieser and C. Schär, 2009: Combined surface solar brightening and increasing greenhouse effect favour recent intensification of the hydrological cycle. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11.
J., 2009: Schätzung von Wiederkehrzeiten
lokaler täglicher und mehrtägiger Extremniederschläge
in Deutschland aus Beobachtungen
von 1951 bis 2000. 8. Deutsche Klimatagung
J., A. Thomas und G. Munoz, 2009: Verdunstung - Vom Schattendasein einer der zentralen meteorologischen Variablen. 8.
Deutsche Klimatagung
J. and s. Jewson, 2009: Modellierung von Niederschlägen tropischer Zyklonen. 8. Deutsche Klimatagung
Grieser, J., S. Jewson, D. Lohmann,
2009: The RMS TC-Rain Model. 2009 Conference on the Inland Impacts
of Tropical Cyclones. Hosted by Metro Atlanta Chapter,
American Meteorological Society.
J. and S. Jewson, 2008: The RMS Hurricane-Rain Model. Geophysical
Research Abstracts, 10.
M., J. Grieser and C. Schär, 2008: Combined surface
solar brightening and increasing greenhouse effect favor recent intensification
of the hydrological cycle. Geophysical Research Abstracts,
A and V. Levizzani, Lead Authors, 2008: Assessment of
Global Precipitation Products. WCRP Series Report No. 128 and WMO TD-No. 1430, 55 pp.[pdf]
M., J. Grieser and C. Schär, 2008: "Combined
surface solar brightening and increasing greenhouse effect supports recent
intensification of the land-based hydrological cycle". Geophys. Research
Letters, 35, L17706. doi 10.1029/2008GL034842. summary in nature 18/Sep./2008
Dubrovsky, M., J. Grieser, J. Kysely:
Performance of two weather generators at different climates. Geophysical
Research Abstracts, 9, 2007. [pdf]
Grieser, J., S. Alessandrini, M. Evangelisti, R.
Gommes, M. Bernardi, J. Ticheler,
S. Cofield. The FAO African Rainfall Estimate FAORFE. Geophysical
Research Abstracts, 9, 2007. [pdf]
Grieser, J., T. Staeger,
C.-D. Schönwiese. Estimation
of Return Periods of daily Extreme Precipitation in Germany 1951 – 2000. Geophysical Research Abstracts,
9, 2007.
Grieser, J., G. Munoz, A.
Thomas, R. Gommes. CLIMWAT – properties and
interpolation approach of the new global FAO Reference Evapotranspiration
dataset. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 2007. [pdf]
Grieser, J., R. Gommes, M.
Bernardi. From
Climate Change to Crop Yield Change. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 2007.
Bissolli, P., J. Grieser, N. Dotzek,
and M. Welsch, 2007: Tornadoes in Germany 1950 – 2003
and their relation to particular weather conditions. Global and Planetary
Change, 57, 124 – 138.
Grieser, J., T. Staeger,
C.-D. Schönwiese, 2007:
Uncertainties of estimated Return Periods of Extreme Daily Precipitation in
Germany. Met. Z. 16, 5, 553-564.
Trenberth, K.E., P.D. Jones
(Lead Authors),
2007: Observations: Surface and Atmospheric Climate Change. In IPCC (2007)
Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Solomon, S., D. Qin, M.
Manning (eds), Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, UK, in press.
Fourth Assessment Report
of the IPCC Working Group 1
Beck, C. and J. Grieser, 2007:
Precipitation trends and shifts of rainfall regimes in Africa since 1951. Pages 191-194 in Lozan, J., H. Grassl, P. Hupfer, L. Menzel, and C.-D. Schönwiese:
GLOBAL CHANGE: Enough Water for all?, 2007, 384 pp. Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen in
Co-operation with GEO, Hamburg. [pdf]
FAO/CSAO, March 2007: Les ruralités en mouvement en Afrique de l’Ouest. 73 pp.[pdf]
FAO/SWAC, March 2007: Rurality in motion in West Africa. 73 pp.[pdf]
Grieser, J.: Investigation of Climate Change Impact on Agriculture – Application of the FAO strategy to serials in Morocco. Research Report of the FAO Agromet Group. 35 pp. [pdf]
Grieser, J., R. Gommes, S. Cofield, M. Bernardi: New gridded maps of Koeppen’s
climate classification. Internet publication of FAO
Grieser, J., R. Gommes, S. Cofield, M. Bernardi: World maps of climatological net primary
production of biomass, NPP. Internet publication of FAO.
Grieser, J., R. Gommes, S. Cofield, M.
Bernardi: Data sources for FAO worldmaps
of Koeppen climatologies
and climatic net primary production. Internet publication of FAO
Munoz, G. and J. Grieser, 2006: CLIMWAT
2.0 for CROPWAT. An FAO software for the estimation of
Crop Water Availability.
Grieser, J., 2007: COG, Center of Gravity,
a simple tool to estimate the center of gravity for polygons provided in bna format.
Grieser, J., 2007: ExtraRad,
annual cycle of extraterrestrial incoming solar radiation.
Beck, C. and J. Grieser: Hydroclimatic variations in Europe since 1951 as reflected
by shifts of Köppen Climate types. Geophysical
Research Abstracts, 8, 2006.
Beck, C. and J. Grieser: Trends in
precipitation and spatiotemporal variations of rainfall regimes in Africa since
1951. Oral presentation EMS2006-A-00202 for the 6th Annual
Meeting of the EMS / 6th ECAC.
Bernardi, M., R. Gommes and J. Grieser: Downscaling
climate information for local disease mapping. XXIV Congresso Nazionale SoIPA. Società Italiana di Parassitologia.
Gommes, R., M. Bernardi
and J. Grieser: Data issues in climate-related risk and impact assessments for
food security. WMO Climate Risk Conference, 17-21 July,
Espoo, Finland.
Grieser, J. and
C. Beck: Analysis of Observed Global Mean Land-Surface Precipitation of the
Period 1951-2000. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8,
Grieser, J., R. Gommes and M. Bernardi: New LocClim – the local
climate estimator of FAO. Geophysical Research Abstract, 8,
Grieser, J., M. Bernardi
and R. Gommes: FAO AgroMetShell – Context and
Perspectives. Proceedings of III CGMS Experts Meeting and
GEOLAND Training Workshop, University of Liege, Arlon, Belgia.
Rudolf, B., C. Beck and J. Grieser:
Monitoring the Precipitation Deficits with regard to the 2005 Drought in SW
Europe. Poster presentation EMS2006-A-00201 for the 6th
Annual Meeting of the EMS / 6th ECAC.
Rudolf, B., C. Beck, J. Grieser and U. Schneider:
Motivation, International Framework and Task of the Global Precipitation
Climatology Centre (GPCC). Poster presentation
EMS2006-A-00200 for the 6th annual Meeting of the EMS / 6th ECAC.
Bernardi, M., R. Gommes, and J. Grieser, 2006:
Downscaling climate information for local disease mapping. Parassitologia
48: 69-72.
Kottek, M., J. Grieser, C. Beck, B. Rudolf, and
F. Rubel, 2006: World Map of Köppen-Geiger
Classification Updated. Met.Z., 15, 3, 1-5.
Beck, C., J. Grieser, M. Kottek, F. Rubel and B. Rudolf,
2006: Characterizing Global Climate Change by means of Köppen
Climate Classification. DWD, Klimastatusbericht
KSB 2005, 139 – 149.
Grieser, J., and C. Beck, 2006:
Variability and Triggering Factors of Observed Global Mean Land-Surface
Precipitation since 1951. DWD, Klimastatusbericht
KSB 2005, 131 – 138.
Grieser, J., C. Beck and B. Rudolf, 2006:
The Summer Flooding 2005 in Southern Bavaria – A Climatological Review. DWD, Klimastatusbericht KSB 2005, 168 – 173.
Rudolf, B., H. Frank, J. Grieser, G.
Müller-Westermeier, J. Rapp, W. Trampf,
2006: Das Hochwasser in Südbayern
im August 2005: Niederschlagsvorhersage,
Warnung und klimatologische
Bewertung des DWD. Hochwasserschutz und Katastrophenmanagement, Ernst&Sohn
Special, 1/06, 4-13. .
Grieser, J.: Introduction to geostatistics and the spatial interpolation of agroclimatic and other variables. In: Hoefsloot,
P., E. Mukhala and R. Gommes: CM Box User Guide,
Beck, C., J. Grieser and B.
Rudolf, 2005: A New Monthly Precipitation Climatology for the Global Land Areas
for the Period 1951 to 2000. Geophysical Research
Abstracts, 7, EGU.
Bissolli, P., M. Welch, J. Grieser and N. Dotzek, 2005: Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Auftreten
von Tornados und den objektiven Wetterlagenklassen
in Deutschland 1979-2004. Geophysical Research Abstracts,
7, EGU.
Grieser, J., N. Dotzek,
B. Feuerstein and H. Brooks, 2005: Statistical Modeling of Observed Tornado
Intensity Distributions. Proceedings of the DWD Workshop
on Tornadoes, 24.-25.2.2005. DWD.
Gommes, R. , M. Bernardi, J. Grieser, F. Nachtergaele,
2005: Why we need a new climate classification for agriculture. Proceedings of
Workshop on Climatic Analysis and Mapping for Agriculture, Bologna, June 14-16,
Rudolf, B., C. Beck, J. Grieser, H. Mächel, A. Meyer-Christoffer, P.
Otto, U. Schneider, 2005: GPCC Report to the GEWEX Hydrometeorological
Panel, 11th GHP Meeting, Melbourne, September 2005.
Schönwiese, C.-D., B. Rudolf, S. Trömel,
C. Beck, J. Grieser, 2005: VASClimO: Development of a
data basis for DEKLIM and statistical analysis of climate variability. DEKLIM. German Climate Research Programme
(2001 – 2006), Final Symposium, May 10 – 12, 2005 Leipzig, Report Series Research
for the Environment, DLR, 167 – 170. http://gpcc.dwd.de
Beck, C., J. Grieser, B. Rudolf and U.
Schneider: Globale Niederschlagsanalysen
des Weltzentrums für Niederschlagsklimatologie für den
Zeitraum ab 1951. promet, Jahrg. 31, Nr. 2-4, 191-196 (Oktober 2005).
Dotzek, N. M. Kurgansky,
J. Grieser, B. Feuerstein, P. Névir, 2005:
Observational evidence for exponential tornado intensity distributions over
specific kinetic energy. GRL, 32, L24813, doi:10.1029/2005GL024583.
Feuerstein, B., N. Dotzek
and J. Grieser, 2005: Assessing a tornado climatology
from global tornado intensity distributions, J. Climate, 18,
Beck, C., J. Grieser and B. Rudolf, 2005:
A New Monthly Precipitation Climatology for the Global Land Areas for the
Period 1951 to 2000. Klimastatusbericht 2004, 181-190, DWD.
Rudolf, B., C. Beck, J. Grieser, U.
Schneider, 2005: Global Precipitation Analysis Products. Global Precipitation
Climatology Centre (GPCC), DWD, Internet publication http://gpcc.dwd.de, 1-8.
Rudolf, B., H. Frank, J. Grieser, G.
Müller-Wsetermeier, J. Rapp, W. Trampf,
2005: Hydrometeorologische Aspekte
des Hochwassers in Südbayern
im August 2005 – Niederschlagsvorhersage,
Warnung und klimatologische
Bewertung des DWD, Internat
publication http://gpcc.dwd.de, 14 pp.
New LocClim, Local Climate Estimator, Environment and Natural
Resources Working Paper 20, FAO of the UN. Software developed by Dr. Jürgen
C. and J. Grieser, 2004: Extreme precipitation events and droughts in Germany
during the 20th century. - Int. Meet. On Stat. Climatol. 2004, Capetown,
C., J. Grieser and B. Rudolf, 2004: Extreme daily precipitation events and
droughts in Germany. - 5th European Conference on Applied Climatology - ECAC
2004, Abstracts Volume.
C., J. Grieser and S. Trömel, 2004: Die Trockenperiode des Jahres 2003 in
Deutschland im Kontext langzeitlicher Niederschlagsvariabilität.
- In: Klimastatusbericht 2003, 142-151,
C., J. Grieser, B. Rudolf and U. Schneider, 2004: Eine
neue globale Niederschlagsklimatologie für den
Zeitraum 1951 bis 2000. – Langfassungen der Beiträge
zur DACH-Tagung 7. bis 9. September
2004, Karlsruhe.
C., J. Grieser, B. Rudolf and U. Schneider, 2004: Eine
neue globale Niederschlagsklimatologie - 1951 bis
2000. - Abstracts - Jahrestreffen des AK-Klima 2004, Eltville.
C., J. Grieser, S. Trömel, 2004: Die Trockenperiode des Jahres 2003 im Kontext langzeitlicher
Niederschlagsvariabilität. Klimastatusbericht
2003, Deutscher Wetterdienst,
ISBN 3-88148-394-2, 142-151.
C., J. Grieser, B. Rudolf, U. Schneider, 2004: High Resolution Precip. Dataset, (AOPC-X Doc. 27), WMO, Geneva.
C., J. Grieser, B. Rudolf and U. Schneider, 2004: High resolution precipitation
data set.- Report to AOPC-X, Doc. 27, GCOS/WCRP
Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate, Tenth Session, Geneva, Switzerland,
19-23 April 2004.
R., J. Grieser and M. Bernardi, 2004: FAO agroclimatic databases and mapping tools. ESA newsletter, 26, 36-39.
J., N. Dotzek, B. Feuerstein and H. Brooks, 2004: A tornado climatology by statistical modeling of observed
global tornado intensity distributions. - Int. Meet. On Stat.
Climatol. 2004, Capetown,
J., N. Dotzek and B. Feuerstein, 2004: Statistische Modellierung weltweit beobachteter Tornado-Intensitätsverteilungen. Langfassungen der Beiträge zur DACH-Tagung 7. bis
9. September 2004, Karlsruhe.
J., N. Dotzek and B. Feuerstein, 2004: Klimatologische Untersuchung weltweit beobachteter Tornado-Intensitätsverteilungen. - Abstracts - Jahrestreffen
des AK-Klima 2004, Eltville.
J., C. Beck and B. Rudolf, 2004: Globally gridded precipitation observations
from 1951 – 2000. Workshop on Trends in Global Watercycle Variables to Support IPCC Assessment.
UNESCO, Paris, Nov. 3-5, 2004
J., C. Beck and B. Rudolf, 2004: GPCC-Precipitation Climatology 1951 – 2000. GPCP Workshop on Assessment of Global Precipitation, August, 3-4,
2004, Washington D.C.
J. and R. Gommes, 2004: The Web LocClim.Local Monthly
Climate Estimator. http://www.fao.org/sd/locclim/srv/en/locclim.home
Malitz, G., C. Beck and J. Grieser, 2004: Veränderung der Starkniederschläge
in Deutschland.- In: Lozan,
J. L., H. Graßl, P. Hupfer,
L. Menzel, C.-D. Schönwiese
(Hrsg.): Warnsignal
Klima - Genug Wasser für alle: 188-191.
Rudolf, B., C. Beck and J. Grieser, 2004:
Gridding of Global Precipitation Observations from 1951 to 2000 with Respect of
Homogeneity. - 1st International CLIVAR Science Conference - Understanding and
Predicting our Climate system, June 21-25, 2004, Baltimore, Maryland, USA: 265.
Rudolf, D., C. Beck and J. Grieser, 2004:
Gridding of Global Precipitation Observation from 1951 to 2000 with Respect of
Homogeneity. Proceedings of the 1st
CLIMVAR Science Conference, 21-25 June 2004, Baltimore, USA. CLIVAR 2004 HM-8.
Staeger, T., J. Grieser and
C.-D. Schönwiese, 2004: Statistical separation of natural and
anthropogenic signals in observed surface air temperature time series. Int.
Meet. On Stat. Climatol.
2004, Capetown, Abstracts.
Schönwiese, C.-D., B. Rudolf, S. Troemel,
C. Beck, J. Grieser, 2004: Entwicklung einer Beobachtungsdatengrundlage für DEKLIM und darauf basierende statistische Analyse der Klimavariabilität auf
der dekadischen bis
säkularen Zeitskala. Beitrag zum DEKLIM Workshop,
18-19 May, Oberpfaffenhofen.
2003 and
Dotzek, N., J. Grieser and H. E. Brooks, 2003:
Statistical modeling of tornado intensity distributions. Atmospheric
Research, 67-68, 163-187.
Schönwiese, C.-D., J. Grieser and S. Trömel, 2003: Secular change of extreme monthly
precipitation in Europe. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 75,
Staeger, T., J. Grieser and
C.-D. Schönwiese, 2003: Statistical separation of observed global
and European climate data into natural and anthropogenic signals. Climate
Research, 24, 3-13.
Beck, C., J. Grieser and B. Rudolf, 2003: Beobachtungsdaten als
Grundlage der Klimaänderungsforschung.
DWD aktuell 1/03,
Grieser, J. and C. Beck, 2003: Extremniederschläge in Deutschland - Zufall
oder Zeichen?
Klimastatusbericht 2002, Deutscher Wetterdienst, ISBN 3-88148-388-8, 142-151.B.
Beck, C., and J. Grieser, 2003: Extremniederschläge in Deutschland seit
1900. Terra Nostra, Schriften der
Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 2003/6: 6. Deutsche Klimatagung, Klimavariabilität,
DKT, 22.-25. September 2003, Potsdam, Telegrafenberg, Selbstverlag der
Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung, Berlin 2003, ISSN 0946-8978:
Grieser, J., 2003: Towards an Adaptive
Method for Spatial Interpolation of Global Rain Gauge Data. - In: Kanamitsu M. & A. Gruber: Report on the GEWEX-GPCP
Workshop on Precipitation Analysis. ECMWF, Shinfield
Park, Reading, United Kingdom, 11-13 March 2003.
Grieser, J., and C. Beck, 2003: Zeitliche Entwicklung von Extremniederschlägen in Deutschland seit
1900. - Abstracts - Jahrestreffen des AK-Klima 2003, Gladenbach.
Grieser, J., C. Beck, B. Rudolf and U.
Schneider, 2003: Entwicklung einer
Beobachtungsdatengrundlage für
DEKLIM. Terra Nostra, Schriften der
Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 2003/6: 6. Deutsche Klimatagung, Klimavariabilität,
DKT, 22.-25. September 2003, Potsdam, Telegrafenberg, Selbstverlag der
Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung, Berlin 2003, ISSN 0946-8978:
Grieser, J., N. Dotzek and H. Brooks, 2003: Statistische
Modellierung der Intensitätsverteilung
von Tornados. Terra Nostra 2003/6, 185-188.
Rudolf, B., 2003: Meteorological and
Climatic Aspects of River Flooding in Central Europe. International Conf. on
Alpine Meteorology, 19-23 May 2002, Brig, Extended Abstracts, MeteoSwiss 2003, p.554.
Rudolf, B., U. Schneider, A. Meyer-Christoffer, T. Fuchs, P. Otto, C. Beck, J. Grieser and H. Mächel, 2003: Neue Arbeiten des WZN zur Niederschlagsklimatologie - eine Übersicht. Terra Nostra 2003/6, 368-370.
Rudolf, B., and U. Schneider, 2003: Vergleich globaler Niederschlagsverteilungen aus verschiedenen Quellen: Konventionelle Analysen, Satellitenprodukte und Modellergebnisse
(ERA-40). Terra Nostra 2003/6, 366-367.
Schönwiese, C.-D., B. Rudolf, S. Trömel,
C. Beck and J. Grieser, 2003: Development of a data basis for DEKLIM and
statistical analysis of climate variability.- DEKLIM
Status Seminar 2003, October 6-8, 2003, Bad Münstereifel:
Rudolf, B., U. Schneider, C. Beck and J.
Grieser, 2002: Variability analysis of surface climatic observations. Proceedings of the European Conference on Applied Climatology, Bruxelles.
Beck, C. and J. Grieser, 2002: Niederschlagsdaten und –Analysen im Nahen Osten
und Nordafrika. In Symposium Bericht "Water Resources in the Middle East and North
Africa”, Zentrum für Umweltforschung der Universität
Frankfurt a. M.
Grieser, J., S. Trömel and C.-D. Schönwiese, 2002: Statistical time
series decomposition into significant components and application to European
temperature. Theor. Appl. Clim., 71,
Grieser, J., 2002: BARMIS, Balochistan Rangeland Monitoring and Information System.A MS-Windows GIS specially designed for drought
monitoring in Balochistan by UNDP and FAO. .
Grieser, J., 2001: LocClim,
A local climate estimator. A software by the
Environment and Natural Resources Service. Working Paper No.
9, 2002, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Viale delle Terme
di Caracalla, 00100 Rome – Italy.
Grieser, J., T. Staeger and C.-D. Schönwiese, 2001: The Human Impact on
Climate – New Evidence from Observations, a CD ROM published by Umweltbundesamt.
Grieser, J., 2001: Extremes in Instationary Time Series, What can we learn from
observations? Int. Meet. On Stat. Climatol.
2001, Lüneburg, Abstracts.
Grieser, J., 2001: Werden
extreme Wettersituationen wahrscheinlicher?. Langfassungen der Beiträge zur
DACH-Tagung, 18.-21. September
2001, Wien.
Grieser, J. and C.-D. Schönwiese,
2001: Process, Forcing, and Signal Analysis of Global Mean Temperature
Variations by Means of a Three-Box Energy Balance Model. Climatic Change, 48,
617 - 646.
Grieser, J., 2000: Extremwerte
und Extremereignisse – Zusammenhänge
zwischen mittlerem und extremem Verhalten. In: "5.
Deutsche Klimatagung", Annalen
der Meteorologie, Deutscher
Wetterdienst, Offenbach.
Schönwiese, C.-D., J. Grieser and T. Staeger, 2000: Klimafaktor Mensch
– Neue Indizien für den Klimawandel. Forschung
Frankfurt 4, 2000.
Grieser, J., T. Staeger and C.-D. Schönwiese, 2000: Statistische
Analyse zur Früherkennung globaler und regionaler Klimaänderungen aufgrund des anthropogenen Treibhauseffektes. Berichte des Instituts für
Meteorologie und Geophysik 103,
Eigenverlag des Instituts,
Frankfurt, 228 Seiten.
Grieser, J., T. Staeger and C.-D. Schönwiese, 2000: Statistical Analyses
for the purpose of an Early Detection of Global and Regional Climate Change due
to the Anthropogenic Greenhouse Effect. Berichte des Instituts für
Meteorologie und Geophysik 103a,
Eigenverlag des Instituts,
Frankfurt, 22 pages.
Grieser, J. and C.-D. Schönwiese,
1999: Parameterization of spatio-temporal patterns of
volcanic aerosol induced stratospheric optical depth and its climate radiative
forcing. Atmosfera, 12:111-133.
Grieser, J., 1999: Long-Range Power-Law
Correlations in Inhomogeneous Time Series. In: A. Bunde
and H.J. Schellnhuber (Hrsg.):
Facets of Universality in Complex Systems: Climate, Biodynamics and Stock
Markets. Tagungsband des "International WE-Heraeus-Workshop".
Grieser, J., 1998: Signal Analysis of
Global and Hemispheric Mean Temperature Variations by Means of an Energy
Balance Model. In F. Zwiers and H. v. Storch (Hrsg.): Proceedings of
"7th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology, Whistler, Canada.
Grieser, J., 1997: Analyse
und Interpretation dendrochronologischer Daten zur Klimageschichte.
Final Report of my Scholarship with Graduiertenkolleg
Archeologische Analytik at
Goethe University.
Grieser, J., 1997: Eine
makroskopische Dynamik und ihre diagnostische sowie prognostische Anwendung auf globale Temperaturvariationen. Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Naturwissenschaften.
ZUF-Verlag, Frankfurt, 182 Seiten.
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